Today celebrates the one year birthday of Pit of the Oni. I can’t believe it’s already been a year. To celebrate Pit of the Oni turning one year old, I’ve decided to hold a friendly painting competition. What’s in it for you? How about a $50.00 Games Workshop gift certificate!
That’s right, $50.00, you didn’t read it wrong, I really mean $50.00 to spend on anything you want from the Games Workshop online store. What do you have to do? Here’s the details…
Paint any single special character from any Warhammer 40,000 race better than the competition then get everyone you know to vote for you and WIN!
Submit to me via email: Your name, your website if you have one and the special character you’re going to be submitting. I will be accepting entries up until July 6th, after that all entries will be turned away. I will then post all entrants and the character chosen to be submited to the contest. After one (1) week all entrants will be required to submit a photo of their progress which in tern will be posted. After one (1) more week all entrants will need to submit their final photo of their model and voting will commence. Finally after one (1) last week of voting a victor will be determined.
That’s a week to get your entry in, two weeks to get you entry painted and then a week of voting. I will reply to emails to verify entry, if you have any questions please email me. My email address can be found in my blogger profile, but here it is just in case: cmontis@gmail.com
Entry deadline = July 6th | Progress photo submission = July 13th | Final Submission and Voting beings July 20th | Winner Announced July 27th
This competition is on the honor system so please don’t submit photos of already painted models. I encourage everyone to enter and best of luck to you all.