Saturday, April 25, 2009

They Just Keep Getting Better and Better

large_roster_form_final_Page_1 large_roster_form_final_Page_2

- Download Large Roster Sheet -

I think you guys are really going to like this one.  It’s a two page roster sheet large enough to fit the full Force Organization Chart plus space to fit six walkers, six vehicles and loads of weapons.  IT GETS BETTER… as I have fixed all the bugs of past roster sheets – No more tabbing to the next box and ending up 3 lines down.  BETTER STILL… the form allows for self fitting text – If there’s not enough room in the box just keep typing and the text will automatically resize itself to fit instead of scrolling to the right.  Plus the second page has a Total Points box that will automatically add up your entries, saving you the hassle of figuring out what your points are at once everything is filled in.

Please let me know what you think and if you have any comments on how I can make it better.  Duplex color  laser printing really makes this Roster Sheet shine, but it is not necessary.  Thank you stopping by.

- See and get other roster sheets here -


  1. Looks pretty good. Elites is misspelt if you care to fix it. I'll give it a whirl this weekend.

  2. Thanks for catching that. All fixed now. :)

  3. Very cool oni, a great contribution! Thanks for sharing it!

  4. This is epic for the 40k community! +1 initiative on your part! FTW!

  5. Brilliant, this is very, very useful. Thanks very much.

  6. Nice work sir, only one issue - it's downloading as a PDF and I can't edit it. I can print it out to use it, but that kinda undermines your great autoaddup functions...

    ... user guide?

  7. Thank you everyone.

    @suneokun - Are you using the newest version of Adobe Reader? I've not heard anyone else having this issue and have even tested it myself using the free version, Adobe Reader 9.1.

    No user guide. I don't think it needs ones really, as long as you know how to use a keyboard you should be good. ;)

  8. This is excellent, but I've been having issues with saving text into the document. I'll save it as something, and reopen it later to find the list completely blank. Is anyone else having troubles with this?

  9. @Wanderer787 - I've heard one other case of this happening and I am unsure as to why. It works perfectly for some, but not others. At this time I can only assume it's a compatibility issue. Try using the most current version of Adobe Reader.

  10. That's pretty awesome stuff, I'm going to try these out.

  11. Perhaps you could somehow include vehicles into FOC slots (ie Walkers into Heavy Support etc). Otherwise they sit somehow outside of it :)

  12. great piece of work but being as i am a guard playeer and now have the ability to field 9 different tanks in my three slot heavt allocation i was woundering if you had some sort of roster lieing around that would cater for that

  13. Thank you everyone for the feedback.

    @ croggy - Thank you. I'm in the midst of reworking this sheet to accommodate more vehicles and additional HQ lines for Space Wolves players.

  14. cheers man just googled roster to see what came up this is gonna be so much better than my crumpled bits of paper and pencil scribbles

  15. Outstanding! Fantastic work. Your effort is much appreciated.

  16. been using this roster for over a yr now

    just wanted to repost my grattitude

    thanks man

  17. Just found this. THANK YOU. I had tried doing the same thing to the GW versions.. But I was not happy with the results. These rock.

  18. Just found this and it is the bomb. Booyah!

  19. Fantastic Roster Sheet...
    If I may humbly suggest, a small field for # of models in each unit, also... I'm not quite sure how to lay it out myself, but as a player of both Tau and Grey Knights, I have several units that are comprised of mixed models, such as my kroot; or my inquisitorial henchmen squads. Laying them out on your roster is a bit tricky, any plans for another sheet anytime soon?

  20. @anonymous - Thanks for the feedback. I recommend placing the # of models in a unit either after the units name or in the Notes field. I usually represent this like "Tactical Squad Avaricious (10)" or if in the notes field "+5 SM's"

    There are currently no plans to update or make any new rosters.

  21. Great work, this will come in handy for me and my friends. I love how the text sizes itself, so we can type hassle-free.

    Awesome job, major karma for ya.


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