Saturday, December 20, 2008
My Miniatures New Digs
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Genesis Chapter Dreadnought
- See Genesis Chapter Terminators
- To get the burnt look on the Multi-melta I first dry brushed on Tin Bitz progressively. I started with a heavy dry brushing in the front and progressively got lighter towards the back. Then I did the same with some Chaos Black, but only went about half way down the barrel.
- I did a small experiment painting the skull on its base. I wanted to try something different for painting bone. I started with Kommando Kkaki followed by a wash of Devlan Mud and finally Bleached Bone for highlights. I think it came out OK, but not as close to bone as I would have liked - back to the drawing board.
- Overall I tried to keep the scheme as simple as possible, only using a small assortment of colours. This is best seen in the wires and hosing between the armour plating and the sarcophagus. It's mostly metal in colour, but broken up a bit with some blue.
Pit of the Oni Joins the FtW Blogger Group
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Army Progress - Genesis Chapter
Terminator Squad of the Genesis Chapter 1st Company
- I started from a Chaos Black undercoat and painted the whole miniature Mechrite Red.
- To do the shading and highlighting I first gave the miniature a heavy wash of Devlan Mud followed by a drybrushing of Blood Red after the wash was given enough time to dry.
- Their helmets, chest eagles, crux terminatus and other little honour badges were first painted with Codex Grey then given a wash of Badab Black. Highlights were done with Fortress Grey followed by Skull White.
- The Purity Seal ribbons where painted Bleached Bone and then given a wash of Gryphonne Sepia and then highlighted with some thinned Bleached Bone. The wax seal was painted Ultramarines Blue, washed with Asurman Blue and highlighted with Ultramarines Blue again.
- The metallic areas of the Storm Bolters were first painted with Boltgun Metal and washed with Badab Black and highlighted with lite a drybrushing Mithril Silver.
- The captains golden halo and sword hilt were first painted Shining Gold followed by Brown Ink and highlighted with Burnished Gold.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Warhammer 40,000 Large Army Roster

Ok everyone, I've worked really hard on this one. Well... not really, but if you think I did so much the better. This time around I have for you a complete Army Roster. This thing is seven pages long, divided up by HQ, Troops, Elites, Fast Attack and Heavy Support. One of the nicest things about this one is that the PDF is a 'form' so that you can type in all your stats and information before you print it out. Fancy isn't it? That one's for all you people out there that write like chicken scratch. Now keep in mind this is a first draft. I need feedback to make it better. If you want to see something changed like have more fields or a different background, leave a comment. In the meantime, enjoy!
Friday, September 26, 2008
Warhammer 40,000 Roster Sheet

Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Combat Patrol - Updated for 5th Edition

Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Decals - Getting That "Painted On" Look
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Ultramarines: Army Progress - Post One
- I started from a base coat of Chaos Black primer and then painted the armor with a 1:1 mix of Chaos Black and Regal Blue, including the deep recesses of the armor plates.
- Next I used a 1:1 mix of Regal Blue and Ultramarines Blue to build up the color of the armor, taking care not to get any in recesses.
- To make the extreme highlights I then applied a thin line of Ultramarines Blue to the edges of the armor plates excluding the shoulder guards, followed by another even thinner line of a 1:1 mix Ultramarines Blue and Space Wolves Grey.
- The gold chest eagles and shoulder guard trim was first painted Brazen Brass to give me a good foundation. I then built upon this with Shining Gold, followed by Brown Ink to give me some better shading effects.
- Lastly the chest eagle and shoulder guard trim was highlighted with a 1:1 mix Shining Gold and Mithril Silver.
Monday, July 21, 2008
5th Edition FAQ's & Reference Sheets

"the most important rule is that the rules aren’t all that important! So long as both players agree, you can treat them as sacrosanct or mere guidelines." So, that being said on to the links.
~Updated: Instead of constantly updating individual links to every FAQ and Reference Sheet I linked to the main page for each on the GW site.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Rants & Raves: Cover Saves

Anyway... Keeping in line with the last rant about TLoS, it would seem that there's an equal amount of [expletive delete] that can't grasp the new cover saves. So again here I am posting actual rulebook excerpts to try and clear things up.
"When any part of the target model’s body (as defined previously by the LoS rules) is obscured from the point of view of the firer, the target model is in cover. This is intentionally generous, and it represents the fact that the warrior, unlike the model, will be actively trying to take cover (as well as the smoke, explosions and flying debris that are mercifully absent from our tabletop battlefields)." "If a target is partially hidden from the firer’s view by other models, it receives a 4+ cover save in the same way as if it was behind terrain."
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Rants & Raves: TLoS

As you probably already know TLoS (True Line of Sight) is one of the many mechanics changes in the new 5th edition of Warhammer 40K. The confusion that this is causing is mind numbing. I didn't realize that so many people would be unable to grasp the simple and literal fact - if you can see it, you can shoot it.
To clarify any debate I've posted an excerpt from the actual rulebook.
"Line of sight literally represents your warriors’ view of the enemy " "Line of sight must be traced from the eyes of the firing model to any part of the body of at least one of the models in the target unit (for ‘body’ we mean its head, torso, legs and arms). Sometimes, all that may be visible of a model is a weapon, an antenna, a banner or some other ornament he is wearing or carrying (including its wings and tail, even though they are technically part of its body). In these cases, the model is not visible. These rules are intended to ensure that models don’t get penalised for having impressive standards, blades, guns, majestic wings, etc." "Firing models can always draw line of sight through members of their own unit"
Furthermore let me state that AT (Area Terrain) poses ZERO effect on TLoS and only now pertains to cover saves and difficult terrain movement.