Just another update on the Dark Eldar Archon. I finished the flayed skin and fur pelt on his back. Sadly, I couldn’t stop and take step-by-step photos for this one as wet blending doesn’t really allow for it, but the steps are typed out for you below the picture.
Step 1. I started by basecoating the flayed skin with Tallarn Flesh.
Step 2. The flayed skin was shaded with a 1:1 mix of Dark Flesh and Liche Purple that was thinned and applied into the recesses.
Step 3. The whole area was washed with Ogryn Flesh.
Step 4. I then highlighted the flayed skin with thinned Rotting Flesh.
Step 5. The flayed skin was highlighted again with a 1:1 mix Rotting Flesh and Skull White.
Step 6. Further highlighting was done by adding more Skull White to the previous mix. Approximately 2:1 Skull White to Rotting Flesh.
Step 7. Lastly some edge highlighting was done by adding in more Skull White to the previous mix. Approximately 3:1 Skull White to Rotting Flesh.